Planned for You

We navigate healthcare with compassion, expertise & empower our clients every step of the way.

Cardinal Patient Advocacy is based in the vibrant city of Rochester, MN, known for its exceptional healthcare facilities and commitment to medical excellence. Rochester is home to several healthcare institutions, including the renowned Mayo Clinic, the innovative and transformative Destination Medical Center, and Olmsted Medical Center.

Our dedication to serving all aspects of your needs sets us apart. We are here to ensure that you receive personalized attention, expert guidance, and compassionate care throughout your journey with us. Let Cardinal Patient Advocacy be your trusted partner, empowering you to make informed decisions, advocating for your preferences, and elevating your healthcare experience.

Patient Advocacy in Action

"Research has shown that patients who work with advocates have better health outcomes, experience higher satisfaction with their care, and are more likely to adhere to recommended treatments."

- National Institute on Aging

"Patient advocates can be a valuable resource for patients and their families, helping them navigate the complex healthcare system and ensuring that their voices are heard."

- American Cancer Society

"Patient advocacy services have been found to improve patient engagement, increase patient knowledge and confidence, and reduce healthcare costs by preventing unnecessary procedures or hospital re-admissions."

- Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

"A patient advocate can help bridge the communication gap between patients and healthcare providers, ensuring that patients understand their diagnosis, treatment options, and healthcare rights."

- American Heart Association

Based on your schedule while in Rochester, we’ll organize a individualized timeline, provide an estimate of cost for our services, assign you a personal patient advocate and walk you through every step of the process for your visit.